Ohhh boy. That tiny blue book, with that little golden word inscribed on it: passport. I get excited even holding it in my hands! It embodies so much potential. It is magical little key that opens all sorts of doors to places around the world. It’s one of my favorite things, and among my most prized possessions. Every stamp in it symbolizes an adventure – a chance taken, an opportunity grasped – and so many memories. My passport is literally the one document that grants me the freedom to step outside our borders and explore the greater world beyond. I don’t know what I would do without it.
Did you know that roughly, only 65% of Americans have passports? It has definitely been on the rise in recent years, but I still find that surprising. I’m sure there are many factors as to why. Maybe if more people had one, they would be more inclined to finally go on that trip abroad. A valid US passport allows you to travel to 163 countries around the world (116 of those visa-free). That’s a whole lot of exploring we are allowed to do! It seems silly not to have the option.
So if you are among that 35% without a passport, here’s a few reasons why you should get one:
It’s required for travel abroad
First and foremost, if you want to leave the country, it is required that you have a valid passport. No getting around that one. So if you just booked your dream trip or even if you aren’t planning on leaving the country anytime soon, you’ll want to obtain a passport so that you at least have the option to. What’s more, as of January 2018 it is even required that you have a passport to fly domestically to some US states due to the Real ID Act. So don’t get stuck! Get moving on getting yo self that passaporte pronto.

My mom got her very first passport at the age of 62 so that I could take her on her very first trip overseas – to England!
Peace of mind

I’d fly with him anywhere…even if he doesn’t have a private jet…
What if your step-dad’s rich German uncle dies in a freak skydiving accident and leaves you a million euros…but you HAVE to be Munich by Tuesday to sign the papers? No passport, no moolah. I know, it’s a bit of a stretch… But its also that peace of mind knowing that, at any moment, you could fly off to Rio with that hot guy on his private jet for untold adventures…. of course, if such things happened in real life. But with a passport in hand… YOU COULD. Bottom line, something unexpected could happen (especially in the crazy times we are living in now) and you might need to leave the country quickly. Without a passport in hand, that is not an option.
Opportunities might knock

Working in Hong Kong in 2007
What if your job offers you an assignment overseas? Or you get a new job that has offices in other countries? You’ll want that passport in hand to be able to jump on those opportunities. With a previous job, I was once offered a last minute trip to Hong Kong (with a bonus) for a work assignment. If I didn’t already have a passport in hand, I would have had to turn it down – which not only would have been a huge bummer, but a wasted opportunity.
Having the ability to travel internationally is not only an asset in the business world. If you are looking to adopt a child from a foreign country, you may be required to travel internationally to complete the application process, appear before foreign courts, and acquire the child. Bottom line, you can’t go get that baby without a passport… Am I hammering this point home yet?
It’s legal ID
Because of all the requirements to get a passport (see Peep’s Pointers below) it is not only considered a legal ID, but it is considered a stronger ID than a driver’s license. It is proof of your identity and US citizenship. This comes in handy for job applications, buying a home, taking out a loan, or any situation in which you need to produce multiple forms of identification. It also works well as a backup ID in case your wallet is lost or stolen and you need to acquire replacement ID’s. Just whip out that ol’ blue book and you’re all set.
Peep’s Pointers
How to apply for your first passport (in the USA)
Ready to take the plunge? Woohoo! This is so exciting! Let’s get started… When applying for a passport for the first time you’ll need to gather the following items – and then get yourself on over to the nearest acceptance facility Currently, there is not a way to apply for a passport online (which is probably a good thing).
What you’ll need:
- DS-11 form – this is for first-time applications. You can download and print, but be sure to follow the printing guidelines.
- Proof of US citizenship – usually your birth certificate, but must be original or certified copy.
- Photo ID – a valid driver’s licence, military or government ID will work.
- Social Security Number – write it down or bring your card if you can’t remember it, you’ll need it.
- 2 passport photos – The easiest way is to get these taken at your local Walgreens, CVS or Fedex Print Center (they run around $14.99). Or if you want to be able to take a million shots (to get the one that’s “just right”) you can always take them at home and have them printed at a photo center. But be sure that you strictly follow all of the passport photo requirements.
What it is going to cost:
- Passport Book – The current fees for a new passport book are $110 + a $35 execution fee. It may seem pricey, but your passport is valid for 10 whole years – not a bad deal! Keep in mind though, the price goes up (another $60) if you need to get it in a hurry (expedited). So don’t wait too long if you have a trip planned, apply early!
- Passport Card – Now I have to mention, there is also the option for a passport card for $30 + a $35 execution fee. You’re probably thinking “Peep, why the hell didn’t you mention this before? That’s cheaper! I could just get one of those instead!” Well you certainly could…but I think its a better idea to go for the whole booklet. Here’s why: a passport CARD is only valid for land or sea travel to Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, and the Caribbean. They CANNOT be used for any international air travel or for obtaining visas. So if you take a cruise with a passport card, disembark, and for some reason need to fly home – you’re basically screwed. Really, the only advantage of the card is that its plastic and fits in a wallet. Big freaking whoop. Get a regular passport book.
How long is it going to take:
The regular passport processing time is 4-6 weeks. If you pay the extra to have it expedited, it could come in 2-3 weeks. So If you are planning a trip and don’t yet have a passport, jump on it and save yourself the money and stress!
Of all the books in the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport